3 Reasons Why a 12-Week Sales

Programme Beats a One-day Workshop

In the fast-paced world of sales, continuous learning and skill development are essential for staying ahead of the competition. While one-day sales training workshops have their merits, a 12-week sales training program involving weekly videos and coaching sessions offers several distinct advantages. In this email, we'll explore three compelling reasons why an extended program is superior.

1. Sustainable Learning and Skill Development:

   One of the biggest challenges with one-day sales training workshops is that they provide a firehose of information in a short amount of time. While participants may leave with some new knowledge, retaining and applying that knowledge over the long term can be challenging. A 12-week program, on the other hand, allows for sustained learning and skill development.

 - Consistent Exposure: Weekly videos ensure that participants receive a steady stream of information and techniques. This consistent exposure helps reinforce concepts and allows for gradual mastery.

 - Practice and Application: Coaching sessions provide a platform for participants to practice what they've learned in a real-world context. They can receive feedback, ask questions, and refine their skills over time.

  - Behavioral Change: Real behavioral change takes time. The 12-week format allows participants to gradually adopt and internalize new sales strategies and techniques, resulting in lasting improvements.

2. Customization and Personalization:

   One-size-fits-all sales training workshops may not address the specific needs and challenges of every salesperson. A 12-week program can be tailored to the individual and the organization's goals, leading to more meaningful results.

   - Personalized Coaching: In a 12-week program, coaching sessions can be customized to focus on the areas where each participant needs the most help. This personalized attention can lead to faster and more effective skill development.

   - Adaptation to Market Changes: The sales landscape is constantly evolving. A longer training program allows for flexibility in adapting to changing market conditions and adjusting the curriculum accordingly.

   - Reinforcement of Company Values: The extended duration allows for the reinforcement of company values, culture, and specific sales methodologies. This alignment is often missing in shorter workshops.

3. Measurable Progress and ROI:

   To justify the time and resources invested in sales training, organizations need to see tangible results. A 12-week program provides a better framework for measuring progress and achieving a solid return on investment (ROI).

   - Regular Assessment: Weekly or bi-weekly assessments and progress checks allow organizations to track each participant's development and adjust the training program as needed.

   - Long-term Impact: Gradual skill development leads to more significant and sustainable improvements in sales performance. This is reflected in improved sales metrics, higher conversion rates, and increased revenue.

   - Cultivating Sales Leaders: Over the course of 12 weeks, participants have the opportunity to grow into sales leaders within their organization. They not only become better salespeople but also develop the skills needed to mentor and train others.

In conclusion, while one-day sales training workshops have their place, a 12-week sales training program involving weekly videos and coaching sessions offers a more comprehensive and effective approach to skill development.

It fosters sustainable learning, customization, and measurable progress, ultimately delivering long-term benefits for both individual salespeople and the organization as a whole. Investing in continuous, extended training is a wise choice for those looking to thrive in the competitive world of sales.

To learn more about our 12-Week Sales Accelerator Programme click HERE.